
Heel Pain
Heel pain is often caused by the inflammation of the plantar fasciitis which runs from your heel to your toes. Conservative treatment such as stretching exercises, injection therapy, orthotics, medications, night splints and physical therapy works for the majority of patients. …learn more
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common, painful condition of the heel caused by inflammation of the ligament that stretches from the heel to the toes. It's often painful in the morning and will continue on and off during the day. The goal is to treat the inflammation quickly and then fix the biomechanical issue that caused the inflammation to begin with. …learn more
Diabetes and Your Feet
Diabetes affects over 23 million Americans and it can cause a host of problems with your feet. Diabetes can lead to decreased circulation and sensation which in turn can lead to injury, ulcers and infection. …learn more
Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail is a common, often painful, form of nail disease in which the nail grows so that it cuts into one or both sides of the nail bed. It may become red, swollen, painful and infected if left untreated. Treatment is a simple in-office procedure. …learn more
A bunion is an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. Symptoms include irritated skin around the bunion, pain when walking, joint redness and pain, and possible shift of the big toe toward the other toes. …learn more
Hammer Toes
A hammer toe is a deformity of the joint of the second, third, or fourth toe causing it to be permanently bent, resembling a hammer. Hammer toe most frequently results from wearing poorly fit shoes that can force the toe into a bent position, such as excessively high heels or shoes that are too short or narrow for the foot. …learn more
A neuroma, also known as a Morton's neuroma, is an enlarged nerve that usually occurs in the third interspace, which is located between and just before the third and fourth toes. It can cause a burning, stinging or shooting pain in the ball of the foot. …learn more
Toenail Fungus
Fungal problems of the toenails is an unsightly infections that causes the nails to become yellow, thick, discolored, brittle, and in some cases even painful. This condition is caused by one of several possible microorganisms that thrive in warm, dark, moist environments such as in your shoes and socks. …learn more
Fungus of the Skin
Fungus of the skin is most often Athlete's foot. The skin is often itchy and red with peeling or blistering. It is caused by warm moist environments where people walk barefoot such showers, saunas or spas. …learn more
Cracked Heels
Cracked, dry heels are a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors including heredity, wearing open-backed shoes, standing for long periods, being overweight as well as other medical and skin conditions. …learn more
A callus is a toughened area of the skin that has become thick and hardened in response to repeated irritation, friction or pressure. There are many activities that can result in the formation of a callus such as dancing (especially ballet), many sports, and even wearing high heels. …learn more
Cysts are fluid filled masses under the skin. Common cysts include synovial cysts, ganglia, and cutaneous mucoid cysts. Most cysts of the feet are located just under the skin and are mildly painful because of pressure from your shoes. …learn more
Plantar Warts
A wart, often called a plantar wart because it's found on the bottom of the foot, is a lesion that resembles a callus. It is caused by the human papillomavirus and is transmitted from moist walking surfaces such as showers or swimming pools. …learn more
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease of the skin that occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the growth cycle of skin cells. It is not contagious and there are several different treatment options to help control your symptoms. …learn more
Eczema is a form of dermatitis or inflammation of the outer layer of the skin. The cause of eczema is not clearly understood. It is likely partly due to heredity and possibly due to unclean environments. …learn more
Pain Above the Feet
The feet are our entire body's foundation. They contain 1/4 of all of our bones and bear all the weight of our body. Problems with our feet will affect many other areas of our bodies including our hip and knee joints, muscles, and even our lower backs. …learn more
Pigmented Lesions
Most pigmented lesions are actually moles and freckles but one lesion to be very concerned about is malignant melanoma. It can occur on the foot or lower extremity or even form under the toenails. Actinic Keratosis is another lesion that can be cancerous but are often mistaken for warts. …learn more

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